

A great deal of research is currently being done to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. One of the most important issues is the realization of fundamental technologies that will enable the advanced utilization of hydrogen energy.

Our research center is working on the following topics to realize a hydrogen energy-based society. In this research center, the following research areas have been covered to embed the hydrogen energy-based society, (1) hydrogen production without CO2 production, (2) storage and transportation of hydrogen, (3) energy production from hydrogen, (4) carbon dioxide recycling system, (5) hydrogen infrastructure. These researches have been conducted in this research center with close cooperation. The goal of this research center is to realize a hydrogen energy-based society leading to carbon neutrality.

Director, Prof. Tetsuya Shishido



グループ長首藤 登志夫高木 慎介宍戸 哲也山登 正文梶原 浩一加藤 俊吾
メンバー櫻井 毅司
井尻 政孝
久保 由治
瀬高 渉
清水 徹英
佐藤 潔
稲垣 裕亮
伊藤 正人
三浦 大樹
天野 史章
別府 孝介
小林 訓史
大島 草太
川上 浩良
佐藤 潔
山添 誠司
吉川 聡一
石田 玉青
柳下 崇
棟方 裕一
石島 政直
田中 学
楊 明
金村 聖志
中嶋 秀
学外連携Fazalurahman KuttasserySule Erten Ela
Sevastian Nybin
Vasudevan P.
Fidelis Simanjuntak
Ping Chen村山 徹
Ali Abdel-Mageed
岡崎 健
石原 達己
Manjit Singh Grewal